게임기록 №414884

배팅 및 티켓배분의 내역. 완료. 2024-04-24 02:20:12 (UTC)

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  • 당첨(우승) 티켓 #12454
    합계: 22925
  • Dota 2 룰렛 | Dota 2스킨 배팅
    상금: ¥219.2
    찬스: 27.7%
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최소 배팅 ¥0.1. 라운드 당 최대 배팅 갯수는 15 개입니다.
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ƤṨἿẊ 배팅갯수 Infused Garb of the Corridan Maestro ~ ¥19.07

티켓: 부터 #20931 으로 # 22925 +1995

Infused Garb of the Corridan Maestro
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ƤṨἿẊ 배팅갯수 Infused Garb of the Corridan Maestro ~ ¥19.07

티켓: 부터 #18936 으로 # 20930 +1995

Infused Garb of the Corridan Maestro
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ƤṨἿẊ 배팅갯수 Whispers of the Damned Pauldrons ~ ¥2.39

티켓: 부터 #18686 으로 # 18935 +250

Whispers of the Damned Pauldrons
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ƤṨἿẊ 배팅갯수 Whispers of the Damned Pauldrons ~ ¥2.39

티켓: 부터 #18436 으로 # 18685 +250

Whispers of the Damned Pauldrons
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ƤṨἿẊ 배팅갯수 Whispers of the Damned Pauldrons ~ ¥2.39

티켓: 부터 #18186 으로 # 18435 +250

Whispers of the Damned Pauldrons
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ƤṨἿẊ 배팅갯수 Inscribed Span of Sorrow ~ ¥2.39

티켓: 부터 #17936 으로 # 18185 +250

Inscribed Span of Sorrow
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ƤṨἿẊ 배팅갯수 Inscribed Span of Sorrow ~ ¥2.39

티켓: 부터 #17686 으로 # 17935 +250

Inscribed Span of Sorrow
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ƤṨἿẊ 배팅갯수 Inscribed Span of Sorrow ~ ¥0.21

티켓: 부터 #17664 으로 # 17685 +22

Inscribed Span of Sorrow
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CHU(⊙_⊙)UDO 배팅갯수 Iceplain Ravager Horn ~ ¥12.10

티켓: 부터 #16398 으로 # 17663 +1266

Iceplain Ravager Horn
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CHU(⊙_⊙)UDO 배팅갯수 Inscribed Arms of Desolation ~ ¥48.59

티켓: 부터 #11316 으로 # 16397 +5082

Inscribed Arms of Desolation
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Teleport 배팅갯수 Bracers of Aeons ~ ¥43.09

티켓: 부터 #6809 으로 # 11315 +4507

Bracers of Aeons
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Teleport 배팅갯수 The Abominable Snowbeast - Legs ~ ¥19.04

티켓: 부터 #4817 으로 # 6808 +1992

The Abominable Snowbeast - Legs
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Teleport 배팅갯수 The Sunbreeze Birthright ~ ¥46.04

티켓: 부터 #1 으로 # 4816 +4816

The Sunbreeze Birthright
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